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Oishi Kogen Highland, Wakayama
A windy, pitted road leads up to the highlands of  Oishi Kogen. One of the seven flowers of  Autumn, the tall sedges of  susuki (pampas grass) turn from a warm palomino tone to shades of  pearlescent silver at this time of  year. Looking down from the rocky pinnacle, you can see the ocean rolling in the distance, across to wind farms on the hills of  Kainan. On a clear day, the blue shade of  Mount Rokko comes into view and the rocky shape of Awaji and Shikoku Islands form ghostly shapes on the horizon. In the September dusk, the willowy tail feathers of  the pampas sway gently by the light of  the moon. Every year, these plains are visited. The legend says displaying pampas by the jyūgoya (Autumn moon) will bring sound health until the following year.