Summer Solstice

The season’s have turned and today, Monday 21st June 2021, we welcome this year’s summer solstice. The longest day of the year with the most sunlight it carries with it a wealth of romance, ritual and symbolism. Thought by many cultures to mark the official start of summer it signifies the abundance of the season’s harvest- all its rich bounty of fruits, flowers and fertile earth. A true time to celebrate mother nature’s gifts we invite you to take stock of the wild and natural world around you today no matter how small. From the lush green foliage of our street trees to the colourful fruits at our local markets, nature is well and truly in full bloom.

Midsummer Rituals

Small rituals to incorporate into your day to celebrate summer’s arrival:

Dine outdoors and enjoy seasonal and local foods within the landscape they grew from.

Take notice of the nature around you, however small, and note the change in colours and forms since December’s winter solstice. Becoming more aware of nature’s cycles can help us feel more part of the natural world which in essence we are though we may sometimes forget in our modern day world.

Celebrate and nourish fertility. Just as the earth is at its most fertile it is said in some cultures that the summer solstice is a time to embrace our own fertility and it often associated with romantic rituals. In Swedish culture placing flowers beneath your pillow on the eve of the solstice is said to bring dreams of future partners.

Follow the sunlight. After-all it is the sun’s light which nourishes the plants and gives forth the fruits of the land which in turn nourish us. Giving thanks to the sun and honouring its journey through the sky on the longest day of the year is a simple yet grounding ritual even through our Hong Kong clouds.

“I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, / Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, / Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, / With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine: / There sleeps Titania sometime of the night, / Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight."

William Shakespeare